
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TransportBillingMethod

Retailer designated category of how transportation costs are to be billed for a shipment.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransportBillingMethodCode (PK) Retailer designated code that indicates how the transportation and handling fees for a shipment are to be billed. Sample values (for domestic US shipments) include: PREPAID = prepaid transportation fees COL = collect upon delivery from receipient BRC = Bill the receiver B3P = Bill 3rd party Others may be added as required for international shipping and other kinds of shipping arrangements. CD_TRNSPRT_BLLNG_MTH Code varchar(20)
Description Short narrative description of a TransportBillingMethod. DE_TRNSPRT_BLLNG_MTH DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TransportBillingMethod specifies billilng method for CustomerDeliveryInstruction
TransportBillingMethod specifies billing method for CustomerOrderShipment

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